
Kick Strong|

Kick Boxing

Release your inner beast and vent your frustrations with a total body workout providing strength and endurance. Following a 5-minute bag warm-up, you will move through intervals combining bag work and various strength training exercises using bodyweight and kettlebells.

Note: Bag gloves or suitable hand protection is required and can be purchased locally at sporting goods stores or through Pure Life Fitness.


Strong 5|

Weight Lifting Progressions

This class follows the Novice Linear Progression method described by Mark Rippetoe in his book Starting Strength. Using five rep work sets and warm-up sets, you will learn to safely low bar back squat, deadlift, and press barbells, progressively improving your strength. Set your goals and hit them in this class!



From yoga to mobility to Starting Strength, Pure Life Fitness hosts workshops to improve technique, learn new skills, and widen horizons. Make sure you don't miss out on a workshop by signing up for our newsletter.


Strong for Life|

Boot Camp

Bring your physical performance in everyday life up a notch with this challenging class! The Bootcamp class combines two proven training methods (TRX and Kettlebell) with other strength and endurance-building exercises (barbells, running, rowing, cycling) to deliver a total body workout. These classes focus on functional fitness – making you stronger and faster to meet the demands of everyday life.


Strong for Sport|

Fit Club

Strong for Sport focuses on cross-training strength and endurance using similar techniques to our boot camp classes. A mixture of heavy lifting, running, core development and grip strength training will ensure that whatever your ‘other’ sport is, you will excel in it!


Community Events

Since 2010 we have been serving our community, your community. Supporting our community, whether through a class, at a local race, a shoe drive, or supporting our members in their business endeavors, is at the heart of Pure Life Fitness. Subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our next community event.